Work Skills for Schools
Our Work Skills program is trusted by thousands and currently used by some of the best schools in Western Australia
Key features at a glance...
- Students receive two nationally recognised qualifications upon graduation:
- BSB40120 - Certificate IV in Business; and
- 11264NAT - Certificate IV in Work Skills for Career Enhancement and Management
- Only AITT can offer the Work Skills qualification.
- Not an 'auspice' arrangement. AITT does all assessment marking.
- Delivered in your School and on your gridlines. Students stay on campus.
- Integrate with your school programs.
- Unlimited support from AITT personnel.
- 100% custom and tailored content that is engaging and realistic. No long workbooks, essays or chances for students to use AI. Real demonstration of workplace skills based on scenarios developed with industry.
- AITT will customise and tailor assessments to suit your needs. For example - some schools will create assessments related to real events being run, or real businesses that are operating.
- Includes Canvas by Instructure licence for all students - the Learning Management System used by all Ivy League Schools.
- Industry alignment and engagement. Take part in Community and Industry events
- Teachers receive TAE or Work Skills qualifications at no charge.
- Typical delivery is over 2 years (7 terms)
- Course cost is $950 per student

Our Partner Schools
AITT is proud to work with some of the best schools in Western Australia.
- Hale School
- Scotch College
- St Hildas Anglican School for Girls
- Lake Joondalup Baptist College
- Kingsway Christian College
- Swan Christian College & Swan Online
- Southern Hills Christian College
- St James Anglican School
- Great Southern Grammar
And more... feel free to contact us to get put in touch with our teacher network.

Why two qualifications?
Business and Work Skills are complementary qualifications that empower students to develop their work skills within a business context. Regardless of the career path they choose, students will be working within an organisation. Understanding how businesses operate equips them with the skills needed to contribute effectively and add value.
Additionally, graduating with two qualifications provides a competitive edge, giving students greater opportunities and flexibility when deciding on their next step.

20+ year track record
AITT is locally owned and run by passionate educators. We have remained compliant with the National Regulator for decades and intend to continue meeting all our obligations as an Registered Training Organisation.
Our organisation continues to evolve and develop with the changing Vocational Education and Training landscape.

Who is this qualification for?
From the school's perspective, this qualification is particularly well suited to students who do not intend to complete tertiary entrance examinations and instead prefer to enter the workforce directly or pursue further study in a vocational or trade pathway. While the qualification can be used for higher education if desired, its primary purpose is to prepare students for employment.
VET qualifications are designed to equip participants with practical, job-ready skills. Students who experience stress or anxiety due to the pressures of traditional examinations may find the structure and pace of a VET course more suitable, as it focuses on the development, application, and demonstration of real-world skills. Additionally, the Work Skills Program emphasises personal development, helping students build the skills needed to regulate their behaviours and emotions effectively.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of job settings. Those in these roles undertake a mix of specialised and moderately complex administrative or operational tasks that require self-development skills. They apply well-developed skills and a broad knowledge base to solve a range of unpredictable problems and analyse information from multiple sources. Additionally, they may provide leadership and guidance to others, with some limited responsibility for team outcomes.

Delivery Particulars
- 15 units of competency
- Practical and written assessments
- AITT collects and evaluates the candidates’ Language, Literacy and Numeracy levels by having students complete an LLN evaluation.
- Students requiring specialist support will be considered for enrolment on a case by case basis