How our training capabilities relate to management consulting

How our training capabilities relate to management consulting

You may be wondering how capacity building and management consulting are related. 

Capacity building can be defined as the process by which individuals and organisations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity (larger scale, larger audience, larger impact, etc).

The role of Management Consultants can be defined as “to assist organisations to achieve greater efficiency and solve organisational problems, and study organisational structures, methods, systems and procedures.”

Based on the clear alignment between AITT’s organisational objective and the defined role of management consultants, AITT has (for over 20 years) utilised Management Consultants and Australian Nationally Recognised Trainers and Assessors to assist organisations to achieve greater efficiency and solve organisational problems and improve methods, systems and procedures via a Capacity Building and Upskilling approach.

Through this approach, our clients 


  • achieve greater efficiency and solve organisational problems,


  • have the skills to optimise organisational structures, methods, systems and procedures so that solutions can be designed, customised, developed and delivered - often in conjunction with us


  • understand the process behind the design, development and facilitation of the delivery of tailored organisational improvement and capacity building proposals and initiatives across industries and institutions 



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